Owner and guide at Norsebound is Stuart Duncan, a UK native from North London. Stuart moved to Bergen on Norway's west coast chiefly as a means to pursue a career in the oil & gas industry, arriving in the deepest depths of winter on the back of a Kawasaki ZX9-R Ninja. It wasn't long, however, before the untold beauty and the endless outdoor possibilities in his new-found home became apparent. A proposed three-year stay soon passed and a return to the UK looks increasingly unlikely.

For twenty years, Stuart has been riding bikes; some cool, others not so cool. He's also had the fortune to ride bikes all over the world: from Anchorage, Alaska to the southern tip of South America via the Pan-American Highway (4Monthsfree); from Bergen through Europe to Osh, Kyrgyzstan via the Pamir Highway in Central Asia; and a round-trip of Norway to mainland Europe's most northernly point, the Nordkapp.

Stuart on the Pan American Highway, Atacama Desert, Chile.

Why Norsebound?

Despite the global adventures, Stuart still considers Norway one of the premier motorcycling destinations: scenery that sells itself; well-maintaned tarmac roads and gravel trails; a near invisible police presence; very little traffic; and little or no animal or pedestrian obstacles. All these factors combine to make motorcycling adventures in Norway truly unforgettable.

With a boundless enthusiasm for motorcycling, a genuine love of the Norwegian landscape, extensive experience of both long and short distance motorcycle touring and the benefits that come from living in a foreign country for over fifteen years, Stuart and Norsebound will be able to provide you and your friends with advice, guidance and the right equipment with which to experience this unique riding destination.

Where are Norsebound?